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The Big Bang Theory - Season 7, Episode 1 'The Hofstadter Insufficiency' [Review + Recap]

The Seventh Season of The Big Bang Theory is back, and this is all about the first episode in last night's premiere duo episode. For the link to the review and recap about episode 2 click below:  

So, everything kicked off in it's usual manner, with Sheldon 'phoning' Leonard to complain about him having put the Back to the Future 2 disc in the Back to the Future 3 case. Standard. However, it turns out Sheldon was in fact having a missing-leonard-induced nightmare, so he quickly scurries over to none other than Penny's flat opposite, and does his signature 'three knocks' to awaken her. Penny is not too pleased, but after some displacement from Sheldon, she agrees to let him stay over for the night in her flat, under the premise that it is not him that misses Leonard at all, it is her. Of course, instead of just sleeping on the sofa, Sheldon waltzes straight into Penny's room and she sighs at Sheldon's antics.
 Things switch to Caltech in the cafeteria, and Howard, Raj and Sheldon are sitting down to eat their meal, however Raj is clearly still hung up about the loss of Lucy in his life, as he reminisces about her face and how he keeps seeing it in things like oil grease and pies. Sheldon makes some off-putting analogy/factoid about dung-beetles which notably puts Howard off his meal. Howard suggests that Raj go to a University function where post-grads will be to meet a new woman. Meanwhile, Amy and Bernadette attend a biology convention together and, whilst drinking at the bar discussing their work, get hit on and bought drinks, which leaves the girls to remark that this never happens when Penny is around, as most guys are only after her. Subsequently they revel in their new found attention as Amy acts all adorable and Bernadette flounces around in her chair. 

Penny and Sheldon try to spend some quality time together, but Sheldon is only interested in playing his 3D chess. He remarks how he 'doesn't miss' the things Leonard used to do for him: like help him with zips, say goodnight through morse code and play chess with him. However, he then asks Penny to help him as he needs to go to the toilet and he can't get his zipper undone. Oh, Sheldon! At the University function, Raj is failing miserably (is that any surprise) and has zero tact or sensitivity when Howard spots Mrs. Davis and exclaims that her husband left her for an undergrad. Raj then seeks to make amends with Mrs. David and tries to have a heart to heart with her about his situation as well.

Meanwhile, Amy and Bernadette fall out due to Bernadette's insensitive remarks about Sheldon and how Amy could do better. This leads to Amy stating that Bernadette's 'husband is weird, and his clothes are ridiculous.' I think we've all missed Amy's sneaky remarks in at the end of everyone's conversation. Eventually, Amy and Bernadette restore their friendship whilst they gossip over the boys who hit on them, only to then realise they are describing Howard and Sheldon's personalities. They quickly go to bed. 

Penny and Sheldon wile away their time until the cave and call Leonard, who is not lonely at all, but in fact is having a good time partying without them. This causes Penny much distress and leads to Sheldon 'trying' to cheer her up (with minimal success). This spurs Penny to try and bond with Sheldon, by sharing something no-one knows about her: she once starred in a horrible low budget movie, appearing topless in one scene about a psychopathic, sex-crazed gorilla. It turns out everyone saw this movie years ago, with Howard showing it to everyone (big surprise there) and Penny is notably embarrassed. Sheldon then tries to share a secret about how he hates the new YouTube 'like' system and preferred the star rating system. Penny doesn't regard this as much of a secret, and turns to leave, but Sheldon stops her, claiming that that was a big secret to him and she disregarded it. Penny apologises and then embraces Sheldon with a hug, causing Sheldon to say that he knows how Penny's character must have felt in the ape movie. 
The episode ends with Leonard showing his friends on the ship Penny's low budget ape movie, exclaiming that 'that's my girlfriend!' as everyone laughs and cheers. Overall, the episode was typical and in-keeping with the style of the rest of the series; Penny was the rock that Sheldon needed, Amy was on form with witty remarks and outlandish behaviour and Sheldon was, well, Sheldon. No doubt viewers will be pleased with this episode and will look forward to seeing what happens when Leonard returns from his trip, and how Amy and Sheldon will progress with their relationship. I, for one, am looking forward to seeing more Amy/Bernadette moments as the writers explore some new storylines for the relatively new characters as opposed to the long-standing cast. Also, how will Raj fare in his quest to find someone to replace his dog in his life? 

Reviewed by Mel.

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