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Criminal Minds - Season 9, Episode 2 'The Inspired' [Recap + Review]

The second part to the season premiere of series 9 of Criminal Minds aired last night, and it's a whole lot of confusing. Just when you think you've got everything just about sussed out, you're suddenly completely wrong and everything is the opposite. So, basically, just assume the reality is the opposite of whatever you're thinking. It turns out Wallace's (evil twin #1) whole family is a whole lot of f!cked up - yep, that's darling narcissistic mum, nutty dad and equally as psychopathic baby brother - Jesse (evil twin #2). The episode kicks off with the BAU getting beaten up for arresting the wrong person, and Jesse walks free. Wallace arrives at his mother's house only to get hit in the back of the head by Jesse and then tied to a chair in some house owned by someone Jesse knows. 

Jesse then interrogates his brother, but he doesn't seem all that upset by big bro's actions (massive suspiscious warning alert) and instead devises a plan that has something to do with taking him to Canada to receive mental help. He forces Wallace to swallow a sedative, but surprise, surprise, he doesn't swallow it, and spits it out after Jesse leaves. Meanwhile, the mother has disappeared and they figure out she's been burning documents which contain the father's name (massive suspiscious warning alert #2). Then we see that Wallace has escaped from his binds and that there is (either evil twin #1 or #2) pointing a gun at a woman laying in a bed. We are led to believe it is Wallace, but in fact, it was Jesse. The BAU find out the woman was a fraternal twin, and deduce that Jesse is planning on killing Wallace. Meanwhile, the BAU try and interrogate the mother who doesn't really give up anything. Upon Jesse returning home from dog walking, it is revealed that Wallace knows that Jesse wants to be like him, and a little while later they take their relationship to the next level and jointly kill a dog walker together. 

Great, two psychopathic twin brothers, how could this possibly get any worse for the BAU? Oh yeah, the father's a nut job who spreads his own faeces on the walls. I kid you not. After finding out who the father is and where he lives Reid and Morgan go to question him, only to find him living in a less than desirable state. He's not really much help. Jesse and Wallace decide to get their mum to help them and they all congregate at a church. Now here's where it gets even more confusing. Not only am I constantly asking myself which twin is which as they're wearing pretty much identical outfits, I'm also wondering what on earth is going to happen. 

Well, long story short, 'Jesse' comes at mother of the year with a meat cleaver and 'Wallace' holds up a gun in retaliation - the BAU close in - and supposedly, Wallace gets shot. However, we find out (with help from the father) that Wallace isn't dead, it's Jesse. So Wallace wasn't Wallace at all, it was Jesse, and Jesse was Wallace in the final scene. Confused? I can only presume in order to keep up with the facade and to have her perfect family that mother of the year (when her plan to live with Jesse and father turned south, what with Wallace shooting Jesse) decided to pass Wallace off as Jesse. Yeah, because that's totally logical. Needless to say, it didn't work as Hotchner arrests both of them and gets the father to ID the remaining alive twin (as Wallace). 

So, thank god, no-one is getting away with multiple crimes - yay! It is announced on the flight back that Aaron is no longer in running to be section chief (well wasn't that totally obvious) but that they are thinking 'outside of the box' in terms of who they are hiring. Any guesses anyone? So, all in all, a pretty psychopathic mind boggling episode! Criminal Minds seems to be able to consistently create relatively engaging episodes with whacky storylines that keep everyone's attention fixated on the programme, which is what makes the series stand out from other crime drama's, so well done for that. What did you think of last night's episode? Did you manage to follow along with the storyline, and more importantly are you enjoying the new season? Hopefully we will see more kick-ass JJ and Garcia and adorable Reid later in the season. 

Reviewed by Mel. 

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