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OPINION : Do people have the right to tell you what you can't/can do based on your looks?

Right, so I thought I would start the day by talking about self confidence!

 Recently my confidence was knocked when someone said something incredibly off putting to me. A person in authority told me that (in a nutshell) not to continue trying to get an education because I was pretty. I should go into an area of work that I have no training, background or interest in - purely because of the way I look.
My mouth dropped. If this had been a man that had said this - I would have had him killed. However, it was a woman who uttered this. It was a woman who judged me and judged me on my looks. So can I say anything? What can you say apart from - your wrong?

I should have fought my ground but shock and exhaustion had me sitting there staring at her. She was speaking to me as if I was so stupid that I wouldn't understand her logic. I am tall, blonde and good looking (her words not and never mine) so why apply for  more education? I should back out and do something that I have no interest in because its a looks based industry and one where there are few thought processes involved. I am shocked at the lack of support from another female - when did we stop supporting each other and start killing each other!?!?!?! When did that become an acceptable thing to say to someone seeking advice or anyone for that matter?

I would like to use my blog to say one thing - NO ONE HAS THE RIGHT TO TELL YOU WHAT YOU SHOULD BE BASED ON YOUR LOOKS. No one has the right to tell you where, what, who you should be because THEY have a problem with it. If at first you don't succeed with what you are doing, don't give up and give in to these people - fight them.

I am who I am. I look like what I look like. I don't consider myself attractive or anything but I cannot deny that I am blonde and tall! I am who I am and I have spent 27 years trying to figure that out and I still don't know entirely who that is!!! I am sick of trying to defend my choices to other people. It is not fair to say that because I am blonde - I am stupid. Who decided that your allowed to say that to someone? Who allowed that? I have two degrees and a masters under my belt and I am applying for a PHD with over eight years of retail experience, three years of make-up artistery AND a successful blog behind me - oh yeah and did I mention that I have a radio show and write for magazines and newspapers as well? I didn't get that by being tall, blonde and good looking - I got it by hard work, intelligence, studying like a demon and supporting myself. There were times where I was exhausted and had so little money because of my course that my best friend had to buy me groceries! But I kept going because education and knowledge is power and is important to me. I needed to get through it. I don't often rant about things like this on my blog but this has been bothering me so much since it was said. I am so angry! GGGRRRRR!

I know that a weird form of reverse encouragement could be going on here - that she hopes to get me moving so I turn around and say, well screw you - I'll do it anyway. However this was really not the case. She meant it. The reverse only works if you know the person well enough to know they will have that reaction. Which she didn't and doesn't.

So basically my rant is this folks, trust your own instincts and do what you know you can. Don't listen to the opinions of people who don't or barely know you. Do what you know you can and you'll go far! I wouldn't be a make-up artist if I listened to other people as I was told repeatedly no and that I wasn't right for the job. But everytime I got a knock back I got up and kept going and got a different job and a different chance to prove myself. I then proved myself enough to get my dream job and better freelancing!!! So the system does actually work! It just takes a while!

*Incase anyone is looking at my pictures and going....she's not blonde....I am also not naturally pink either. You do the math.....

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