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Review: Avon Attraction Rush Eau de Parfum

If you would take a look at my perfume collection, you would see more than half of them being by Avon. Part of this is that Avon sends me a lot of their fragrances, but I also keep most of them, because I just love their scents. I've said it many times, you get a huge amount of perfume for a really affordable price. A lot more affordable than in our drugstores. And they make really nice fragrances. When their Avon Attraction perfume came out, everyone raved about it. It was a definite crowd pleaser. Now they've added a new one called Avon Attraction Rush, which seems to be a stronger and sweeter version of the original.

The design is bronzy gold and you know I love me some gold. It comes in a gold bronze box with simplistic design. The bottle has an interesting trapezoid shape, if you look at it from bird's perspective. It's something different.

In the bottle you get 50 ml of eau de parfum and the regular price is 32€. But you can currently get it for 17.90€ here (Slovenia). 

The top is a gold square that you put over the spray pump. It doesn't actually close the spray down, but it sits over it, so you can't really press it by mistake. 

With the perfume I also got a lovely golden wire basket that looks so pretty. I'm already using it for displaying all of the perfumes that I currently use. 

Avon describes this scent as a floral oriental.

Top notes: wild strawberry leaf, pear and red grapefruit.
Middle notes: Indian jasmine, rose petals and violet.
Base notes: amber, dark chocolate and sandalwood.

The first sniff of the fragrance is quite powerful and it starts off a bit floral and just slightly fruity sweet. It starts lightweight and somewhat spring like to me. Then it gets more floral and it takes on a somewhat oriental feel, which I can only assume is because of the jasmine in it. But as the floral notes vanish, the sweet base takes over. I don't really smell dark chocolate that much, more sandalwood and amber, which are two of my favorite sweet notes. Sweet notes stay on the skin for the longest.

I would describe this fragrance as an elegant, sophisticated and very sexy. But in general, I would say oriental sweet. I don't get as much floral notes as I would have expected from the description. This is definitely for all of you sweet lovers that love that basic sweet notes with an oriental twist. 

It has a strong power from the beginning and on me it lasts a really long time. I can still smell it at the end of the day. After all, it's a eau de parfum and it has that good staying power. It might be too strong and a bit too sweet for some to use in the hotter months. I'd definitely categorize it more as an evening scent, but I wear it through the day. It's just my personal preference, sweet for every season. 

It has quickly become my new favorite fragrance. Ever since I got it, I've been using it and I can't put it down. It's just the perfect combination of fruity sweetness, light floral notes and strong oriental sweet base. It's so elegant in a way, but also sweet (but not in a corny way). If you are a sweet fragrance lover, but want something that also smells very sophisticated, then you'll definitely love this one. 

*Product was sent to me. 

Če bi pogledali mojo kolekcijo parfumov, bi hitro ugotovili, da je več kot polovica od njih od Avona. Deloma zaradi tega, ker me Avon redno obdaruje z njihovimi dišavami in deloma zato, ker večina ostane pri meni. In to zato, ker so mi res všeč. Večkrat sem omenila, da Avon ponuja velike količine parfumskih vodic za res ugodne cene. Veliko ugodnejše kot jih dobite v naših drogerijah. Poleg tega so njihove dišave res odlične. Ko je Avon predstavil svoj Avon Attraction parfum, sem slišala ogromno pohval. Zdaj je Avon v svojo zbirko dodal še Avon Attraction Rush verzijo, ki se mi zdi, da je močnejša in bolj sladka verzija originala.

Dizajn je bronasto zlat in če me poznate, veste da obožujem zlate odtenke. Parfum se nahaja v bronasto zlati škatli s preprostim dizajnom. Steklenička ima zanimivo obliko trapeza, če jo pogledate iz ptičje perspektive. Je nekaj drugačnega.

V steklenički je 50 ml parfumske vodice in redna cena je 32€. Trenutno lahko dišavo dobite za 17.90€ tukaj.

Pokrov je zlat v obliki kvadrata. Dejansko ne pokrije pumpice, ampak jo bolj kot ne zavaruje pred neželenimi pritiski. 

Skupaj z dišavo sem prejela tudi čudovito zlato kovinsko košaro. To že uporabljam za razstavljanje parfumov, ki so trenutno v moji dnevni uporabi. 

Avon opisuje dišavo kot cvetlično orientalsko.

Zgornje note: listi divjih jagod, hruška in rdeča grenivka.
Srednje note: indijski jasmin, cvetovi vrtnice in vijolica.
Spodnje note: jantar, temna čokolada in sandalovina. 

Prvi vdih dišave je kar močan. Začne se kot rahlo cvetličen vonj s sladkostjo sadja. Zame je na začetku precej lahek in bolj spomladanski. Hitro postane bolj cvetličen in dobi orientalski pridih, ki je verjetno posledica jasmina. Ko cvetlične note počasi izginjajo, pride v ospredje sladka podlaga. Sama ne voham temne čokolade, bolj jantar in sandalovino. Sladke note ostanejo na koži najdlje.

Jaz bi dišavo opisala kot elegantno, sofisticirano in zelo seksi. Na sploh je vsekakor bolj orientalsko sladka. Sama ne čutim toliko cvetličnih not kot jih je v opisu. Ta dišava je zagotovo za vse, ki obožujejo sladke dišave s ščepcem orientalskega pridiha. 

Sama dišava se začne precej močno in na meni drži res dolgo. Tudi ob koncu dneva jo še vedno zaznam. Nenazadnje gre za parfumsko vodico in kot taka je močnejša. Mogoče bo za nekatere premočan in presladek vonj za vroče poletne dni. Tisti naj ga uporabljajo ob hladnejših večerih. Sama ga nosim čez dan, ker imam na sploh rada močne in sladke vonje, ne glede na sezono. 

Ta dišava je hitro postala moja nova najljubša. Vse odkar sem jo dobila, jo uporabljam vsak dan in je kar ne morem odložiti. Je popolna kombinacija sadne sladkobe, lahkih cvetlic in močne orientalsko sladke podlage. Je tako elegantna, ampak tudi sladka (čeprav ne na tisti osladen način). Če obožujete sladke dišave, ampak želite nekaj sofisticiranega pridiha, potem vam bo ta zagotovo všeč.

*Izdelek mi je bil poslan.

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