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Fire and Flames Water Marble

Fire and Flames Water Marble

Hey :) hope your all well, I'm great. So excited as I got some new goodies to review. But first to today's manicure. I did mention last week that I had two designs in mind for my nails. Chose one of them for last week (Saturday nails blog) and have just finished the other one :). I've always wanted to to a fire/flame design. I love Tigers, skulls and flame designs. So I decided to try a water marbling a flame. Took a while to chose what colours to use, and ended up using a few different brands, La Femme, MNY Maybelline, Beauty UK, Wet n Wild and Accessorize. 

Le Femme Tangerine, MNY Red, La Femme Black, Beauty UK Yellow, Wet n Wild Clear and Accessorize  Ivory Lace.

I used Ivory Lace as a background colour. Beautiful colour alone, but what a pain to apply. So so streaky! Applied three coats, still wasn't that happy, but didn't want to spend all day painting with one colour lol. In a cup of room temperature bottled water I dripped tangerine, red, black, yellow, tangerine, black, red and clear, and carefully drew thin wavy lines. Its a good job no two fires are the same ha ha, but I'm pleased with the out come :) Let me know what you think.


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