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REWIND : 2010

2010 - Well, this photo was taken during the summer. Me and Z had met after work in my small poxy flat in Dublin for one of our famous wine nights. Which turned out to be anything but. This photo was taken by a friend of mine while we relaxed before drinking. As usual we are in our fancy work gear. My dress is from Pennys! Of all places. I bought it on a whim one day on a lunch break. It has the most amazing shoulder details and I added my mothers brown belt from the 80's to it. It also has draping on the hips as well which works extremely well.
We were sipping away before going to the Twisted Pepper for a gig and some more beer. Which led to me kissing someone, Z accosting a musician and the worst hangover ever.
What I do love about this photo is, the light coming in the window of the flat. Showing off just how pretty it was when it was summer and clean!!!
I had been killing myself at my job as a retail manager working 39 hours a week for fuck all pay. Spending any hours I had free travelling to Galway, Cork, France, Belfast and Limerick. The Irish bus services have their wages paid by me. It's unreal.
I was seeing three people unofficially that summer. Dating but nothing serious. I had no idea looking at that photo that in under 2 months later I would quit my horrible job, move out of the flat,move back to Cork, fall in love and loose even more weight! I had no clue!
But back then I was happy enough to kill myself working, wear outrageous clothing and curl up in my flat playing loud music with friends.
Because that it how the summer should be.

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