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A Trio from DrGoat!

Today I have three more vintage slides from the family collection of GDB reader Peter, aka "DrGoat"! Check 'em out.

Peter says: This first image is of me and my Dad, circa 1967 I believe, about 8 years after the shot of me and him in the Autopia car. That was a great trip. I was just about to graduate from high school. Wish I still had whatever we were reading there. It was just Dad, Mom, my sister and I that year.

I wish I had a photo of me with my Dad at Disneyland!

Peter thinks that this second one if from the same trip (makes sense, being the same square format). It's a nice shot looking North on Main Street on a wonderfully uncrowded day. 

In spite of the fact that this one is also square-ish, DrGoat thinks that it might be from 1961. So the park had probably just opened; it looks like Peter's family was heading to Tomorrowland right away, or maybe they wanted to ride the Matterhorn before the lines got too long.

Many thanks to DrGoat for sharing his family photos!!

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