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Easy A (2010)

My Rating: 90%

Well guys, i've reached 100, so it's time to get started with the next 100. Now for a while, I have been curious to see this movie. I mean I still more or less remember the trailer with "Poker Face" from Lady Gaga playing and all that. So it was just a couple of weeks ago that I had finally remember it and decided to borrow it from the library and see it. So here's my review on it.

Plot:Olive Penderghast is a not so popular girl (of coarse) who starts off in this movie lying to her best friend Rhiannon that she is going out with a college student during the weekend in order to avoid going camping with her because of her hippie parents. At the end of the weekend, Rhiannon asks if she slept with the college guy and she nags Olive to the point where she lies and admits that she did. Another student, Marianne who is the leader of the church group of the school, hears about this and spreads it all over the school. After Olive admits that it's not true to her gay friend Brandon, he asks her to pretend to have sex with him so that he would not be harassed for his gayness. From there other boys use the lie to pretend to sleep with her to strengthen her reputation and raise their school status.

Well to be fair, the concept isn't that good as far is being the story about someone becoming popular based on a lie or a set of lies. I mean we've all seen movies like that from A bug's life and Aladdin, and it's part of why especially hate Rango as some of you well know. But unlike Rango, This was more original and entertaining to me. The characters were unique and fun, it had a-while not a extremely creative twist-a fairly good twist, it was altogether more amusing.

Alyson Michalka/Rhiannon "Rhi" Abernathy: there's actually nothing too much to say about Rhi. she was like any normal gossip type of girl when you think of high school. The only difference are the jokes she makes.
Amanda Bynes/Marianne Bryant: Now I have a sort of dislike for the kind of "carried-away-and-not-think-more-about-trusting-in-the-lord-and-talking-more-to-him" sort of Christians, so Marianne didn't have a completely good start for me. But her character was more interesting when her relationship with Olive changed.
Thomas Haden Church/Mr.Griffith: He was a decent character. I mean some might not like how he's kinda on the same tone and stuff like that but you can totally see all there is about the character that made him Olive's favorite teacher. And it's a little nice to see Church outside of Spider-man 3 (FRICK YOU EVERYONE THAT RUINED THAT FILM!!!! HOW COULD YOU!?!?!?! HOW COULD YOU!?!?!?! IT HAD SO MUCH POTENTIAL AND YOU DIDN'T EVEN GIVE US A LOT OF GOOD LOOKS AT VENOM!!!! WHAT WRONG WITH VENOM!?!?! WE'VE SEEN ENOUGH OF EDDIE YOU MORONS!!!!!! WHAT THE FRICK WAS IT THAT DANCE IN THE RESTAURANT!?!?! OR GWEN KISSING HIM!?!?!?!! OR HIS EMO HAIR!?!?!?! FRICK YOU!!!!! FRCIK YOU!!!!)
Lisa Kudrow/Mrs. Griffith: just as it is nice to see Church outside of...*tries to keep his temper together*...you know what, it was also nice to see Kudrow outside of Friends. And she had a pretty nice character and I loved how she became a part of the whole situation.
Patricia Clarkson and Stanley Tucci/Rosemary Penderghast and
Dill Penderghast: I liked the parents I thought they were pretty original and cute.
Emma Stone/Olive Penderghast: Every time I watched this film thinking of the actual actress i think of one thing: THIS IS THE NEXT GWENDOLYN "GWEN" STACY!?!?!?!?! Because while Andrew Garfield shows that he can be a pretty good actor with Social Network, this shows, to me, that Stone can REALLY act. I mean Olive was a very interesting and entertaining character and Stone did quite a job at portraying her.

Music: Well I have that Sunshine song stuck in my head thanks too this film. other than that I didn't pay to much attention tot he music so i'll just say it was just average.

Editing: It was good.

And that is my review for Easy A. It was a pretty good movie for a teenage comedy and I enjoyed watching it.

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