They continually deny that they are socialists or, heaven forbid, communists. But if you listen to the rhetoric you can't miss the fueling of class envy and the demands for redistribution from those that have to those that need. Or, to paraphrase, "from each according to their ability, to each according to their needs..." But we all know where that came from.
Let's start out with recognition that "need" shouldn't have a thing to do with it. This is particularly true if we let the needers do the definition of what they need. Ask your five year old what they need for Christmas and you'll understand what I mean.
Part and parcel of this hyperbole is the vilification of those who make a profit. Somehow we've got a population willing to suspend their understanding of what businesses do to succeed. There is nothing wrong with making a profit. If your business fails to make profits, you don't pay your employees, you don't get investors, you don't do any expansion or job creation, you don't pay your bills and you shut your doors to stop the bleeding. Unless, of course, the redistributors come to bail you out and then hold you in indentured servitude.
Read this tidbit on profits of healthcare insurance companies:
The Miniscule Nature of Obscenity in Profit
When the Speaker of the House and the Majority Leader of the Senate can characterize private health insurance providers as making obscene profit as bodies pile up you can only wonder what level of profit is allowable for a business in their wonderland. If 2.2% is obscene, how fractional does your margin have to get before it is permitted in the new utopia?
They want to manage healthcare with the same models of efficiency as we see in Medicare, except they will eliminate the best Medicare supplement plans. They want you to overlook the fact that their vaunted Medicare even needs supplement plans to keep you reasonably serviced. They want to do as well as they have on getting H1N1 vaccine to the public:
Should be Available Before the End of the Flu Season
Health and Human Services Secretary Sebelius says we should see lot of flu vaccine available by mid-winter. Yet, a news item out yesterday was indicating that the swine flu "pandemic" may have already peaked for the season about a month before the usual winter flu season begins to roll. Yep, they've got a handle on things.
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