This year I've truly wanted to offer all of my faithful readers useful patterns as my freebie each month but I was genuinely stuck on 'which one' as May approached - until a couple of lovely ladies in our Gentle Domesticity group asked where they could purchase one of my 2018 designs, The Welcome Door.
This stitchery is perfect for housewarmings or to hang in your own home and it's also easy to alter from the soft greens and browns I've used to a brighter palette if that's your style.
"The Welcome Door" is my free gift to you through the month of May.
Do you remember the bodice I made for Rafaella's first birthday dress?
The dress was a combined effort by Blossom and myself and truly, it's even more beautiful in real life. I designed and hand stitched the bodice before handing it over to Bloss so she could (immaculately) finish it as little Raf's special dress.
The lovely thing about the bodice design is that it will work with just about any basic dress pattern, but it could also feature on a tunic, popover, apron or back opening blouse.
I'm thinking it would even be fine on a t-shirt.
Many people have requested the pattern since they first saw it but I needed to play around with the sizing in order to offer more options than a size 1.
So in between finishing Phyllis May's Kitchen (still going on that) and having a troop of tradies through the house to replace our flood damaged ceiling (another five days before it's complete) I tweaked the pattern to fit sizes 1, 2 3 and 4.
This sweet bodice now has a name too!
No surprises, right?
You can purchase the pattern HERE in my shop as an instant pdf download.
You might see more pretty designs for little girl's clothing in the months to come as Blossom and I loved working together on this project.
This month's giveaway is another celebration of the gentle domestic life!
I love the new Simplicity vintage and retro sewing themed notions and tea towels and if you'd like to win this trio of goodies all you need do is leave a comment below and tell me what era you'd love to live in.
I'm pretty sure my heart would have been happy in the 50's, what about you?
LOVE the dresses (Nana would have called them frocks) and the styling and the hair and the modesty of clothing. I love that women looked like women and that they took pride in their homes. Now, I know there were exceptions to that rule, but overall, there was so much to love about post war 1950's.
GIVEAWAY closes on Monday May 13th.
I'll announce the winner in our next book study post on May 14th
Blossom always said she should have been a 50's housewife because of the clothes and with Audrey Hepburn being her favourite actress there was a deep envy for Audrey's wardrobe too.
I'll tell you something about my Blossom. She can wear hats, any hat, and look incredible.
I on the other hand cannot wear a hat to save myself and do every hat an injustice.
Well, enough chatter for today...there's a pile of Phyllis May's Kitchen blocks staring at me and if I don't keep plodding forward with them you'll never see how they turned out or the "not a quilt" way I'm displaying them.
Oops, one more thing - I keep forgetting to share the link to my fortnightly newsletter for those who are new to my blog. It's free and will keep you up to date with everything that happens in the wonderful world of Elefantz.
Just pop your email over HERE.
May the Lord God, strong and mighty, honest and true, be your shelter, shield and abundant provider this month. Draw close to Him and He will draw closer to you. Lay your needs before Him in prayer and trust that His hand is always at work to care for you in both big and small circumstances.
How do I know?
Because He has never failed me, regardless of how often I fail Him.
Do I always get what I ask?
No, but that's because He knows what's best for me in the larger tapestry of my life.
Bless you gorgeous gal,
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