As you all know I am on a self imposed yarn buying ban. Only yarn that is needed for a specific project that I do not already have is allowed in this house of mine. I am trying to whittle away at the stash to get it into more controllable proportions. So while at the rehearsal dinner for the bride and groom to be last Friday I received a lovely surprise. The Brides Mother, Little Buddy's Medical Foster Mother has a brother who crochets. I know isn't that amazing! Uncle Sean and I are buddies even though we do not see each other often. He heard about my buying ban and delivered some beautiful yarn to me from his stash. Believe me his stash is big and beautiful. You have to love a man who appreciates beautiful yarn. I received this gorgeous Malabrigo Rios in the colorway Liquid Amber.
Beautiful Universal Yarn Classic Shades in the colorway rust. It is warm and gorgeous.
And The Verdant Gryphon, hand-dyed Dk 100% superwash wool in the colorway Big Rock Candy Mountain. That is 1,520 yards of yarn that have been added to my stash. Looks like I need to get busy making things.
I pulled out the baby blanket after completing my ninth hat. The Pussy Hat project is asking for more hats to be delivered to people who will continue to fight for all human rights. If you would like to contribute to the cause with a few pink hats they are still receiving them at:
The Little Knittery
3195 Glendale Blvd
L.A., CA 90039
And here is a little shout out to Sen Elizabeth Warren for speaking the truth and the courageous words of the deceased Coretta Scott King. She should not be silenced by those who do not agree with her. I am talking to you Mitch McConnell. People should not be silenced for their views, even if I do not agree with them, it is a violation of our free speech. You can read about Sen. Warren and her treatment here. Strong women who stand up for what is true and right are such a threat! And this video by Keith Olbermann is well worth a view, you can see it here, thank you to the dear friend who sent it my way.
Have a great day.
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