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Steady Knitting Progress

I am totally thrilled by my steady progress of the white out shawl.  I have only 34 rows until the bind off.  And that lace section is gorgeous!!

I've been digging through my yarns finding possible skeins for some holiday knitting that I will start by mid September.  I'll be looking for accessory patterns to match up with the yarn I already have in stash.  The planning stage is satisfying for me.

I ordered yarn from Webs for my son in law and my sister's sweaters. Thanks for the suggestions last week with pattern ideas, that helps me hone in on some possibilities.  I'm messaging my son in law with photos of designs and gaining more ideas of what he is interested in.

My sister will get this sweater in the blue Madelinetosh sock.

What are you knitting this week?

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