One time acquaintance & professional loudmouth
Johnny Angel (forced, for one reason or another, to use his legal name, Johnny Wendell, on air) suggested today on his 0700-0900 Sat. show on L. A.'s own KTLK 1150AM "progressive" talk station that the various federal anti-terror laws passed in the wake of 11 September 2001 should be used immediately by Generalissimo Bush to round up gang members (there's been a spate of gang shootings of alleged innocents here in Los Angeles recently) declare them enemy combatants & ship 'em to Gitmo.
Sounds like an excellent idea to us, but since contributions to Republicans are more likely to come from developers & car dealers, we're sure the only Federal activity against domestic terror will continue to be against "eco-terrorists" who deface Hummers or burn down McMansions & gigantic apartment complexes that are under construction, w/o killing anyone. When the FBI says "eco-terrorists," we suspect they mean people who are terrorizing the economy (the campaign contributors' economy, that is) not those who are acting to protect the environment.
No idea where one could find the stats, bet we'll bet our next General Relief check that more Americans have been killed by gang-related violence since 11 Sept. 2001 than died in the attacks that day.
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