10,000 B.C.: Ah, yes, go back to the days when everybody only had dial-up Internet access, the stars of "Sex and the City" were mere toddlers, and apparently lots of exciting action sequences played out. Personally, I'm not interested in any "B.C." movie that doesn't include Raquel Welch, Wiley, or Fat Broad.
The Furies: I know very little about this western except that it's directed by Anthony Mann. That's enough to warrant a look.
Persepolis: Animated feature based on the autobiographical graphic novels of Iranian creator Marjane Satrapi. Hmm, I still need to read the comics. Let me check back in on this one later, OK?
In Bruges: I recently developed a theory that Colin Farrell is of no value to a movie if he does not say "fookin'" at least once. Judging by the previews for this one, he does indeed say it many, many more times than once. But my theory does NOT hold that Farrell IS good value to a movie if he DOES say "fookin'." So with this one, who knows, really?
Evening Shade Season 1: Hey, what say we all get together and my place and put on this and some "B.L. Stryker" episodes for a Burt-a-thon? You bring the Miller Lite; I'll provide the chewing gum.
Definitely Maybe: And audiences continue to say "Definitely not," to the prospect of Ryan Reynolds as A-List leading man.
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