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Weekly Musings

It's been a few weeks since I've updated you on my decomposing stump.  Who knew that watching a once vibrant tree decompose could be entertaining.  We lost the tree from a storm maybe five years ago?  We (meaning he) never cut the stump off to the ground.  Whenever we arrive home from a walk, we stop to assess the progress.

Fungi, insects and what was once thought of as a bear, well.....now we shrunk the culprit down to a pileated wookpecker, makes more sense doesn't it?  Although the bear idea was a fun one.  I hear him in the distance at times during the day and I've seen him fly over our property while he's searching for those tasty bugs.  One day I will catch him (with the camera) and prove his existence.

Today I'm off to pick up our daughter for a three day visit.  We have each day wide opened for adventures of any sort.  Maybe we'll just sit around and talk, which is okay as well.  She hasn't been home since May and I'm looking forward to the weekend. I'm woefully behind on menu planning which is what I should be doing instead of blogging.

Do you see that!!!!  A leaf that is NOT green.  I will embrace this notion that fall is getting closer.  Not soon enough but that wee little leaf gives me hope.  I've heard the cicadas (not those monster ones everyone was trying to scare us with) and I'll count their music as another sign that we are inching our way to fall.  I know all you summer lovers are cringing at the thought.  As excited as I was about that leaf and there were more, I continue to strive to appreciating the season I'm in.  Thanks to AC I can do it quite elegantly :)

Have a lovely weekend, my friends!

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