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Win, Place or Steal (1974)

How bad is it? Pretty bad for a Hollywood film.
Should you see it? No (I seem to be the only one who HAS seen it). For completists of the cast only.

I saw this on television about 1979 (it had a brief VHS release). Guys who lose at the track plan to steal a ticket printing machine, so they can fake winning tickets. Things go badly. When the TV show M*A*S*H was huge, McLean Stevenson was advertised as the star of this, but he got 4th billing, after Dean Stockwell, Russ Tamblyn and Alex Karras. It also has Harry Dean Stanton, Scatman Crothers and Big Bill Smith! How could it go wrong? Well, have you seen "Hello Larry?" - Stevenson is a hallmark of dreck. The film needed better direction and editing; scenes just sputter long after they should end, removing any pace or tension. It's also often underlit. The film also never seems to decide on a mood - are we pulling for these guys? is it a comedy or a caper film?

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