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Unfortunately the 80s generation of cartoon characters fell victim to bad pantsuits, uber-clingy leggings, and odd fitting, hippy tight jeans. At least Jane Jetson and Wilma Flintstone had the decency of being drawn with micro minis. 

Jem (Jem and the Holograms / 1985) Pastel colors don't help much. Not sure why Kimber, Aja and Shana didn't pull her aside and say something.

April (Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles/ 1987) A newscaster with on-camera experience, and this is the best she can come up with?

Casey Kelp (Snorks / 1984) Even the lovable characters found no love from the artists.

Brenda (Captain Caveman and the Teen Angels 1977 - 1980) The first sign the decade was doomed.

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