Do you remember the post I made about relationships and the terms and conditions that usually accompany them? (
Read it here).
The perfect couple that I looked up to, used as a template for any future relationship, have made me seriously consider entering into a new relationship, with a new glimmer of hope. Well, they have split up. There have been a whole load of issues which have 'caused' the break up, I won't go into them here as it is not my story to tell.
Whenever I have dealt with a break up directly or seeing a friend or family member, I have always seen it as something that needed to happen. These relationships have been close to breaking point, or one of party has done something which means the relationship cannot plausibly continue, others have just been volatile from the start and it was obvious they would not last long. Regardless of reason, the break up is usually the best thing for everyone involved.
But not in this case, as I said this is not my story to tell but there was some circumstances which may have caused friction in the relationship. They have recently moved from the suburbs to the city centre, one of them has been ill, both are feeling stress from their jobs and they have made a lot of new friends, socialising a lot etc.
I can't help but feel that the stress has got to both of them and they have blamed their relationship for it. They are so perfect together and I am so sad they have come to this decision. They have been together for four years and I am worried they have rushed into the decision. It came about and they had split up in a matter of hours. I do hope this is just blip and when they sit down to talk and figure some stuff out.
On a more selfish level, I want them to get back together as they are very good friends of mine and we socialise a lot and have a lot of fun and I don't want them fun times to end. I like them as a couple and I know they love each other very much and I think the reasons they have broken up can be fixed or changed, it just takes time and might be hard work.
When I split up with my last serious boyfriend, it was on the horizon for months, we had a very volatile 12 months and in the last 6 months, I fell out of love with him, I started to resent him and when I finally took the big step by moving out of our apartment, I was more excited than heartbroken, I was happy. However these two are missing each other very much, it makes no sense to me that they should be apart.
I really hope they get back together, if they cannot make it work, then what hope do the rest of us have.
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