When I was wrapping up a trio of gifts yesterday which included this delicate rosebud frame I happened to notice these little birds sitting beside them in my inventory room. It seemed to me that I should try and work them into the gift wrapping as they matched the gift wrap and the frame finish. The photo I borrowed above is my parents on their wedding day and since so many of you have asked.............that handsome guy you see is doing very well, positively perky with all the attention he has been receiving from attentive nurses and family.
And I did work them in........I anchored their little feet into a voluminous nest of double face satin ribbon tied into multiple bows which was a gorgeous match to my aqua Bird Nest gift wrap. I have been on a marathon of gift wrapping this past week so orders have been flying out the door. I am dangerouslyy low on my ribbon supplies so need to spend some time at my desk instead of idle bird-watching this weekend.
Since I hear birds chirping around here all day long, I have become accustomed to thinking about them more.........no wonder they worked themselves into my gift wrapping. The subconscious mind is an interesting place. I have a few more "bird" ideas I want to try in upcoming posts. If I start putting rabbits on my gifts, you will know I have gone too far with this outdoor frame of mind. I see quite a few of them too.
A trio of Birds nested in Ribbon. And a few waiting.
I hope you have time this weekend to watch the birds, the sunset, or just enjoy the sunshine.
Thank you for your continued comments for my Dad and a wonderful Welcome to new followers.
I am so happy you have landed here at A Gift Wrapped Life.
All photos by Sande Chase ~ A Gift Wrapped Life
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