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Little Girls Tea Party

                                                              Hello everyone,
                       One day recently I had two of my granddaughters come for a visit so we had a little teaparty. I have some pretty dresses in the closet and let them pick one to dress up in.
                      These pretty Mason Vista children's teacups were a gift from a friend who knows how we love our tea parties-right girls!

                               I smile over Olivia with her little pinkie out.
                                 The very old teapot was also part of the lovely gift.
                    There was lots of giggles and I even got voted the best Grandma ever!

                                                 Abby enjoying her tea.

                                                        Pretty dresses.

                                                            A pensive Abby.
                              The markings on the bottom.
                         It is always fun to have a little girls tea party!

                        I am joining Rose Chintz Cottage for Tea Time Tuesday.

                              Thank you for stopping by-it was fun having you too!


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